Shifts in the makeup of North American families have changed the way we experience and view family in contemporary society. And while our culture has made strides in representing diverse types of families in the mainstream today, by and large we still look to longstanding, limited depictions. This series highlights the discord between traditional representations of North American families, and evolving family dynamics within contemporary life.
After becoming estranged or distant from many of my relatives in my early adulthood, I learned to live without a strong familial support system, slowly piecing together my own sense of family through a small hodgepodge of relatives and close friends. Though this series of paintings examines larger cultural expectations related to family, these works are also about the hardship and pain of losing important family connections. While I believe my situation is complex and unique, the struggle to navigate kindred relationships is shared by many - especially in a time when many of us feel at such odds with deep-rooted cultural traditions around gender and familial roles.